Urgent Call for Support of Blogger “Mẹ Nấm-Nguyễn Ngọc Như Quỳnh” from The Vietnamese Blogger Network (VBN) in Vietnam

MLBVN - Blogger Mẹ Nấm-Nguyễn Ngọc Như Quỳnh began her hunger strike on July 7th, 2018 to protest the abuse of power of the prison guards at Prison Camp Number Five, Thanh Hoá Prison, North Vietnam. It has been more than two weeks, yet her family and the outside world were kept totally in the dark about her health condition. The Vietnamese authorities refuse to answer repeated calls and official queries from her family, international human rights organizations, and officials from various embassies.

Under this serious and critical condition of Mẹ Nấm, the Vietnamese Blogger Network (VBN) urgently calls upon friends, human rights activists, international human rights organizations, embassies in Vietnam, the United Nations Human Rights Special Rapporteurs, and Vietnamese communities from around the world to help us with the following:

1. Come join us at Thanh Hoá Prison to request meeting with prison authorities and demand to know the condition of Blogger Mẹ Nấm.

2. Write letters of support to Blogger Mẹ Nấm and mail them to her at the following prison address:

* Nguyễn Ngọc Như Quỳnh. Đội 40, phân trại K4, trại giam số 5 Prison camp, xã Yen Tam Commune, Yên Định District, Thanh Hóa province, Vietnam.

3. Add your voice to raise awareness of the inhumane, cruel and unusual punishments targeted against Blogger Mẹ Nấm by prison guards and the local authorities.

4. Urge your local representatives of democratic governments everywhere to apply more political, economic and diplomatic pressure upon the government of Vietnam to immediately release Blogger Mẹ Nấm, as well as other prisoners of conscience in Vietnam.

For years, Blogger Mẹ Nấm has been a righteous voice fighting for freedom in Vietnam. She led heroic efforts to advocate for national sovereignty, environmental protection and human rights in Vietnam. Prior to her arrest, Blogger Mẹ Nấm protested tirelessly against the mistreatment of prisoners of conscience. Even during her incarceration, Blogger Mẹ Nấm championed the rights of hers and other inmates. Because of her relentless defence, the Vietnamese authorities retaliated and targeted her with unduly harsh punishment in prison in addition to her 10-year jail sentence. For bravely acting upon her love for the country and advocating for freedom, independence, and democracy for Vietnam, Blogger Mẹ Nấm risks her own life and sacrifices a peaceful family life with her two young children and her mother.

The Vietnamese Blogger Network (VBN) urgently calls for solidarity and compassion from all freedom loving individuals and organizations to take immediate actions to save Blogger Mẹ Nấm from inhumane abuses. It is critical to demand the government of Vietnam to immediately and unconditionally release her so that she could return home to her two young children.

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